Nome da Atividade
Carga Horária
51 horas
Tipo de Atividade
Unidade responsável
Panorama. Teorias Clássicas do Desenvolvimento Econômico. Teorias Modernas do Desenvolvimento Econômico. Desigualdade de renda. Pobreza. População Educação e Saúde. Desigualdade socioeconômicas em Saúde. Condições macroeconômicas e saúde. Transmissão intergeracional de capital humano. Empreendedorismo. Desenvolvimento agrícola.
Objetivo Geral:
Estudar o desenvolvimento econômico em suas diferentes óticas e abordagens.Conteúdo Programático
1. Introdução.
2. Panorama do desenvolvimento econômico
(*) JANVRY, SADOULET (2016). Ch. 1: What is development? Indicators and issues. Ch. 2: The State of Development.
(*) TODARO, SMITH, (2014). Ch. 1: Introducing economic development: a global perspective. Ch. 2: Comparative economic development.
(*) RAY (1998). Cap. 1: Introduction.
(*) JONES, C.; VOLLARTH, D. Introdução à teoria do crescimento econômico. 3ª ed., Campus, 2014. Cap. 1.
(*) WEIL, D. Economic Growth. 3rd edition, Pearson, 2013. Ch. 1: The facts to be explained.
3. Teorias Clássicas do Desenvolvimento Econômico
(*) TODARO, SMITH (2014). Ch. 3: Classic theories of economic growth and development.
(*) RAY (1998). Ch. 3: Economic Growth. Ch. 4: The new growth theories.
(*) JANVRY, SADOULET (2016). Ch. 3: History of Thought in development economics.
KRUGMAN, P. The Fall and Rise of Development Economics. In Development, Geography and Economic Theory. MIT Press, 1995.
ROSTOW, W. The Stages of Economics Growth: a non-comunist Manifesto. 1960.
LEWIS, A. Economic development with unlimited supplies of labour. 1954.
ROSENSTEIN-RODAN, P. Problems of industrialization of Eastern and South eastern Europe. Economic Journal, 53: 202-211, 1943.
MURPHY. K.; SHLEIFER, A.; VISHNY, R. Industrialization and the big push. Journal of Political Economy, 97: 1003-1026, 1989.
4. Teorias Modernas do Desenvolvimento e do Subdesenvolvimento
(*) TODARO, SMITH (2014). Ch. 4: Contemporary models of development and underdevelopment.
(*) JANVRY, SADOULET (2016). Ch. 3: History of Thought in development economics.
(*) RAY (1998). Ch. 5: History, expectations, and development.
KREMER, Ml. The O-Ring Theory of economic development. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 84: 600-621. 1993.
5. Desigualdade de Renda e Pobreza: mensuração
(*) TODARO, SMITH (2014). Ch. 5: Poverty, inequality, and development.
(*) RAY (1998). Ch. 6: Economic inequality. Ch. 7: Inequality and development: interconnections.
(*) JANVRY, SADOULET (2016). Ch. 6: Inequality and inequity.
BANERJEE, A.; DUFLO, E. A economia dos pobres: repensar de modo radical a luta contra a pobreza global. Temas e Debates, 2012.
6. Desigualdade de Renda e Pobreza: interconexões
(*) TODARO, SMITH (2014). Ch. 5: Poverty, inequality, and development.
(*) RAY (1998). Ch. 6: Economic inequality. Ch. 7: Inequality and development: interconnections.
(*) JANVRY, SADOULET (2016). Ch. 5: Poverty and vulnerability analysis.
(*) WILKINSON, R.; PICKETT, K. O Espírito da Igualdade: por que razão sociedades mais igualitárias funcionam quase sempre melhor. Presença, 2010.
BANERJEE, A.; DUFLO, E. A economia dos pobres: repensar de modo radical a luta contra a pobreza global. Temas e Debates, 2012.
KUZNETS, S. Economic growth and income inequality. American Economic Review, 1955.
7. Transmissão intergeracional de capital humano
(*) BECKER, G.; TOMES, N. (1976). Child Endowments and the Quantity and Quality of Children. Journal of Political Economy, 84(4), S143-S162.
(*) SOLON, G. (2002). A model of intergenerational mobility variation over time and place,” in M. Corak, ed., Generational income mobility in North America and Europe, Cambridge University Press, 38-47.
BLACK, S.; DEVEREUX, P. Recent developments in in¬tergenerational mobility. In: Card, D.; Ashenfelter, O.; editors. Handbook of Labor Economics, v. 4, part B. Amster¬dam: Elsevier; 2011. p. 1487-1541.
- BJÖRKLUND, A.; SALVANES, K. Education and Family Background: Mechanisms and Policies. Hanushek, E.; Machin, S.; Woessmann, L. editors. Handbook of Economics of Education, v. 3. Amster¬dam: Elsevier; 2011. p. 201-247.
TEJADA, C.; et al. Pai pobre, filho pobre? Uma análise da mobilidade intergeracional de renda na coorte de nascimentos de 1982, Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Cadernos de Saúde Pública, 31(6): 2015.
TEJADA, C. et al. (2018). Is the social elevator starting to work? The intergenerational income mobility in Brazil. Working paper.
8. Crescimento Populacional
(*) TODARO, SMITH (2014). Ch. 6: Population growth and economic development: causes, consequences, and controversies.
(*) RAY (1998). Ch. 9: Population growth and economic development.
(*) JANVRY, SADOULET (2016). Ch. 11: Population and development.
(*) CLARK, G. (2007) A farewell to alms: a brief economic history of the world. Princeton University Press. (Um adeus às esmolas: uma breve história econômica do mundo. Bizâncio, 2008)
(*) WEIL (2013). Ch. 4: Population and economic growth.
- SOARES, R. (2005). Mortality reductions, educational attainment, and fertility choice. American Economic Review, 95(3), 580-601.
9. Fecundidade
BECKER, G.; BARRO, R. (1988). A reformulation of the economic theory of fertility. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 103(5), 1-25.
BECKER, G. (1991). The Demand for Children. Chapter 5 in: G.S. Becker. A Treatise on the Family. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, Enlarged Edition, 135-154.
Ferrara, E. et al (2012). Soap Operas and fertility: evidence from Brazil. American Economic Journal, 4(4), 1-31.
Olson, Z. et al. (2019). Can a conditional cash transfer reduce teen fertility? The case of Brazil´s Bolsa Família. Journal of Health Economics, 63, 128-144.
- TEJADA, C. et al. (2017). The sociodemographic, behavioral, reproductive, and health factors associated with fertility in Brazil. PLOS One, 2017.
10. Saúde
(*) ARROW, K. Uncertainty and the Welfare Economics of Medical Care. The American Economic Review, v. 53, n. 5, 1963.
(*) GROSSMAN, M. On the Concept of Health Capital and the Demand for Health. Journal of Political Economy, v. 80, n. 2, 223-55, 1972.
(*) TODARO, SMITH (2014). Ch. 8: Human capital: education and health in economic development.
(*) WEIL (2013). Cap. 6: Human capital.
- BEAKLEY, H. (2010). Malaria eradication in the Americas: a retrospective analysis of childhood exposure. American Economic Journal, 2(2), 1-45. (Brazil)
- SOARES, R. (2007). Health and the Evolution of Welfare across Brazilian Municipalities. Journal of Development Economics, 84(2), 590–608.
11. Status socioeconômico e saúde
CHETTY, R.; Stepner M, Abraham S, et al. (2016). The association between income and life expectancy in the United States, 2001-2014. JAMA, 315(16), 1750-1766
DEATON, A. (2016). On Death and Money History, Facts, and Explanations. JAMA, 315(16).
(*) DEATON, A. O Great Escape: health, wealth and the origins of inequality. Princeton, 2015. (A Grande Evasão: saúde, riqueza e as origens da desigualdade. Presença II, 2016).
(*) CUTLER, D., LLERAS-MUNEY. A. (2014). Education and Health. In Encyclopedia of Health Economics.
(*) CHATTERJI, P. (2014). Education and Health: Disentangling Causal Relationships from Associations. In Encyclopedia of Health Economics.
(*) VOGL, T. Education and Health in Developing Economies. In Encyclopedia of Health Economics.
(*) TODARO, SMITH (2014). Ch. 8: Human capital: education and health in economic development.
(*) WEIL (2013). Cap. 6: Human capital.
BARBOSA FILHO, F.; PESSÔA, S. Educação e crescimento: o que a evidência empírica e teórica mostra? Revista Economia, v.11, n. 2, 2010.
GLEWWE, P. (ed.) Education Policy in Developing Countries. University of Chicago Press, 2014.
GLEWWE, P.; KASSOUF, A. The Impact of the Bolsa Escola/Familia Conditional Cash Transfer Program on enrollment, drop out rates and grade promotion in Brazil. Journal of Development Economics, 97, 2012.
LUDWIG J, MILLER DL. Does Head Start improve children’s life chances? Evidence from a regression discontinuity design. Quarterly Journal of Economics. 2007;122(1):159–208.
HUISMAN M, KUNST AE, BOPP M, BORGAN JK, BORRELL C, COSTA G, et al. Educational inequalities in cause-specific mortality in middle-aged and older men and women in eight western European populations. Lancet. 2005;365(9458):493–500.
ECOB R, SMITH GD. Income and health: what is the nature of the relationship? Soc Sci Med. 1999;48(5): 693–705.
LINDAHL M. Estimating the effect of income on health using lottery prizes as exogenous sources of variation in income. J Hum Resour. 2005;40(1):144–68.
ALBOUY V, LEQUIEN L. Does compulsory education lower mortality? J Health Econ. 2009;28(1):155–68.
CLARK D, ROYER H. The effect of education on adult mortality and health: evidence from Britain. Am Econ Rev. 2013;103(6):2087–120.
FORTSON JG. The gradient in sub-Saharan Africa: socioeconomic status and HIV/AIDS. Demography. 2008;45(2):303–22.
LLERAS-MUNEY A. The relationship between education and adult mortality in the US. Review of Economic Studies. 2005;72(1):189–221.
SMITH JP. The impact of socioeconomic status on health over the life-course. J Hum Resour. 2007;42(4):739–64.
12. Desigualdades socioeconômicas em Saúde
(*) O’DONNELL, O., Van DOORRSLAER, E., WAGSTAFF, A.; LINDELOW, M. Analyzing health equity using household survey data. The World Bank, Washington DC, 2008.
(*) MACINKO, J.; LIMA-COSTA, M. F. Horizontal equity in health care utilization in Brazil, 1998-2008, International Journal for Equity in Health, 11(33), 1–8, 2012.
(*) ALMEIDA, G., SARTI, F. M. Measuring evolution of income-related inequalities in health and health care utilization in selected Latin American and Caribbean countries. Revista Panamericana de Salud Publica, 33(2), 83–89, 2013.
(*) DEATON, A. O Great Escape: health, wealth and the origins of inequality. Princeton, 2015. (A Grande Evasão: saúde, riqueza e as origens da desigualdade. Presença II, 2016).
13. Condições econômicas, mercado de trabalho e saúde
(*) RUHM C. 2000. Are Recessions Good For Your Health? Quarterly Journal of Economics, 115(2), 2000.
(*) CATALANO, R.; BELLOWS, B. Commentary: if economic expansion threatens public health, should epidemiologists recommend recession? International Journal of Epidemiology, 34(6), 2005.
RUHM, Christopher J. Recessions, healthy no more?. Journal of health economics, v. 42, p. 17-28, 2015.
(*) TEJADA, C.; JACINTO, P.; TRIACA, L.; PERELMAN, J. The counter-cyclical pattern of mortality in Brazil, 1992-2012. Working paper.
OGBURN W, THOMAS D. The influence of the business cycle on certain social conditions. JAMA. 1922;18(139):324–40.
XU X. The business cycle and health behaviors. Soc Sci Med. 2013;77:126–36.
BRENNER MH. Economic changes and heart disease mortality. Am J Public Health. 1971;61(3):606–11.
SUHRCKE M, STUCKLER D. Will the recession be bad for our health? It depends. Soc Sci Med. 2012;74(5):647–53.
GALAMA T, KAPTEYN A, FONSECA R, MICHAUD PC. A health production model with endogenous retirement. Health Econ. 2012;22(8):883–902.
SCHMITZ H. Why are the unemployed in worse health? The causal effect of unemployment on health. Labour Econ. 2011;18(1):71–8.
RUHM CJ. Healthy living in hard times. J Health Econ. 2005;24(2):341–63.
BURGARD SA, BRAND JE, HOUSE JS. Toward a better estimation of the effect of job loss on health. J Health Soc Behav. 2007;48(4):369–84.
SCHMIEDER JF, VON WACHTER T, BENDER S. The effects of extended unemployment insurance over the business cycle: evidence from regression discontinuity estimates over 20 years. Q J Econ.2012;127(2):701–52.
14. Estilos de vida
FISHER EB, FITZGIBBON ML, GLASGOW RE, HAIRE-JOSHU D, HAYMAN LL, KAPLAN RM, et al. Behavior matters. Am J Prev Med. 2011;40(5):e15–e30.
ALWAN A, MACLEAN DR, RILEY LM, D’ESPAIGNET ET, MATHERS CD, STEVENS GA, et al. Monitoring and surveillance of chronic non-communicable diseases: progress and capacity in high-burden countries. Lancet. 2010;376(9755):1861–8.
GOODE AD, REEVES MM, EAKIN EG. Telephone-delivered interventions for physical activity and dietary behavior change: an updated systematic review. Am J Prev Med. 2012;42(1):81–8.
KWATE NOA, YAU C-Y, LOH J-M, Williams D. Inequality in obesigenic environments: Fast food density in New York City. Health Place. 2009;15(1):364–73.
WHITT-GLOVER MC, TAYLOR WC, FLOYD MF, YORE MM, YANCEY AK, MATTHEWS CE. Disparities in physical activity and sedentary behaviors among US children and adolescents: prevalence, correlates, and intervention implications. J Public Health Pol. 2009;30(Suppl 1): S309–34.
BARBEAU EM, KRIEGER N, SOOBADER MJ. Working class matters: socioeconomic disadvantage, race/ethnicity, gender, and smoking in NHIS 2000. Am J Public Health. 2004 Feb;94(2):269–78.
BANHAM L, GILBODY S. Smoking cessation in severe mental illness: what works? Addiction. 2010;105(7): 1176–89.
MCBRIDE CM, BRYAN AD, BRAY MS, SWAN GE, GREEN ED. Health behavior change: can genomics improve behavioral adherence? Am J Public Health. 2012;102(3):401–5.
15. Avaliação de políticas públicas
CARRILLO, Bladimir; FERES, Jose. Provider supply, utilization, and infant health: evidence from a physician distribution policy. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2018.
RASELLA D, AQUINO R, SANTOS CA, PAES-SOUSA R, BARRETO ML. Effect of a conditional cash transfer programm on childhood mortality: a nationwide analysis of Brazilian municipalities. Lancet. 2013;382(9886):57–64.
ROCHA, Romero; SOARES, Rodrigo R. Evaluating the impact of community‐based health interventions: evidence from Brazil's Family Health Program. Health Economics, v. 19, n. S1, p. 126-158, 2010.
SOARES, Rodrigo R. Health and the evolution of welfare across Brazilian municipalities. Journal of Development Economics, v. 84, n. 2, p. 590-608, 2007.
(acho que não é bem avaliação, ne, eu coloquei so para completar o tópico original, mas verifica se entra aqui mesmo)
FONTES, Luiz Felipe Campos; CONCEIÇÃO, Otavio Canozzi; JACINTO, Paulo de Andrade. Evaluating the impact of physicians' provision on primary healthcare: Evidence from Brazil's More Doctors Program. Health Economics, v. 27, n. 8, p. 1284-1299, 2018.
SANTOS, Anderson Moreira Aristides dos; JACINTO, Paulo de Andrade. O Impacto do Programa Saúde da Família Sobre a Saúde das Crianças da Área Rural do Brasil. Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural, v. 55, n. 2, p. 227-246, 2017.
GUANAIS, F. C. The combined effects of the expansion of primary health care and conditional cash transfers on infant mortality in Brazil, 1998-2010. American Journal of Public Health, v. 103, n. 11, p. 2000-2006, 2013.
AQUINO, R., DE OLIVEIRA, N. F. e BARRETO, M. L. Impact of the family health program on infant mortality in Brazilian municipalities. American Journal of Public Health, v. 99, n. 1, p. 87-93, 2009.
MACINKO, J. et al. Evaluation of the impact of the Family Health Program on infant mortality in Brazil, 1990-2002. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, v. 60, n. 1, p. 13-19, 2006.
MACINKO, J. et al. Going to scale with community-based primary care: an analysis of the family health program and infant mortality in Brazil, 1999-2004. Social Science & Medicine, v. 65, n. 10, p. 2070-2080, 2007.
2. Panorama do desenvolvimento econômico
(*) JANVRY, SADOULET (2016). Ch. 1: What is development? Indicators and issues. Ch. 2: The State of Development.
(*) TODARO, SMITH, (2014). Ch. 1: Introducing economic development: a global perspective. Ch. 2: Comparative economic development.
(*) RAY (1998). Cap. 1: Introduction.
(*) JONES, C.; VOLLARTH, D. Introdução à teoria do crescimento econômico. 3ª ed., Campus, 2014. Cap. 1.
(*) WEIL, D. Economic Growth. 3rd edition, Pearson, 2013. Ch. 1: The facts to be explained.
3. Teorias Clássicas do Desenvolvimento Econômico
(*) TODARO, SMITH (2014). Ch. 3: Classic theories of economic growth and development.
(*) RAY (1998). Ch. 3: Economic Growth. Ch. 4: The new growth theories.
(*) JANVRY, SADOULET (2016). Ch. 3: History of Thought in development economics.
KRUGMAN, P. The Fall and Rise of Development Economics. In Development, Geography and Economic Theory. MIT Press, 1995.
ROSTOW, W. The Stages of Economics Growth: a non-comunist Manifesto. 1960.
LEWIS, A. Economic development with unlimited supplies of labour. 1954.
ROSENSTEIN-RODAN, P. Problems of industrialization of Eastern and South eastern Europe. Economic Journal, 53: 202-211, 1943.
MURPHY. K.; SHLEIFER, A.; VISHNY, R. Industrialization and the big push. Journal of Political Economy, 97: 1003-1026, 1989.
4. Teorias Modernas do Desenvolvimento e do Subdesenvolvimento
(*) TODARO, SMITH (2014). Ch. 4: Contemporary models of development and underdevelopment.
(*) JANVRY, SADOULET (2016). Ch. 3: History of Thought in development economics.
(*) RAY (1998). Ch. 5: History, expectations, and development.
KREMER, Ml. The O-Ring Theory of economic development. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 84: 600-621. 1993.
5. Desigualdade de Renda e Pobreza: mensuração
(*) TODARO, SMITH (2014). Ch. 5: Poverty, inequality, and development.
(*) RAY (1998). Ch. 6: Economic inequality. Ch. 7: Inequality and development: interconnections.
(*) JANVRY, SADOULET (2016). Ch. 6: Inequality and inequity.
BANERJEE, A.; DUFLO, E. A economia dos pobres: repensar de modo radical a luta contra a pobreza global. Temas e Debates, 2012.
6. Desigualdade de Renda e Pobreza: interconexões
(*) TODARO, SMITH (2014). Ch. 5: Poverty, inequality, and development.
(*) RAY (1998). Ch. 6: Economic inequality. Ch. 7: Inequality and development: interconnections.
(*) JANVRY, SADOULET (2016). Ch. 5: Poverty and vulnerability analysis.
(*) WILKINSON, R.; PICKETT, K. O Espírito da Igualdade: por que razão sociedades mais igualitárias funcionam quase sempre melhor. Presença, 2010.
BANERJEE, A.; DUFLO, E. A economia dos pobres: repensar de modo radical a luta contra a pobreza global. Temas e Debates, 2012.
KUZNETS, S. Economic growth and income inequality. American Economic Review, 1955.
7. Transmissão intergeracional de capital humano
(*) BECKER, G.; TOMES, N. (1976). Child Endowments and the Quantity and Quality of Children. Journal of Political Economy, 84(4), S143-S162.
(*) SOLON, G. (2002). A model of intergenerational mobility variation over time and place,” in M. Corak, ed., Generational income mobility in North America and Europe, Cambridge University Press, 38-47.
BLACK, S.; DEVEREUX, P. Recent developments in in¬tergenerational mobility. In: Card, D.; Ashenfelter, O.; editors. Handbook of Labor Economics, v. 4, part B. Amster¬dam: Elsevier; 2011. p. 1487-1541.
- BJÖRKLUND, A.; SALVANES, K. Education and Family Background: Mechanisms and Policies. Hanushek, E.; Machin, S.; Woessmann, L. editors. Handbook of Economics of Education, v. 3. Amster¬dam: Elsevier; 2011. p. 201-247.
TEJADA, C.; et al. Pai pobre, filho pobre? Uma análise da mobilidade intergeracional de renda na coorte de nascimentos de 1982, Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Cadernos de Saúde Pública, 31(6): 2015.
TEJADA, C. et al. (2018). Is the social elevator starting to work? The intergenerational income mobility in Brazil. Working paper.
8. Crescimento Populacional
(*) TODARO, SMITH (2014). Ch. 6: Population growth and economic development: causes, consequences, and controversies.
(*) RAY (1998). Ch. 9: Population growth and economic development.
(*) JANVRY, SADOULET (2016). Ch. 11: Population and development.
(*) CLARK, G. (2007) A farewell to alms: a brief economic history of the world. Princeton University Press. (Um adeus às esmolas: uma breve história econômica do mundo. Bizâncio, 2008)
(*) WEIL (2013). Ch. 4: Population and economic growth.
- SOARES, R. (2005). Mortality reductions, educational attainment, and fertility choice. American Economic Review, 95(3), 580-601.
9. Fecundidade
BECKER, G.; BARRO, R. (1988). A reformulation of the economic theory of fertility. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 103(5), 1-25.
BECKER, G. (1991). The Demand for Children. Chapter 5 in: G.S. Becker. A Treatise on the Family. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, Enlarged Edition, 135-154.
Ferrara, E. et al (2012). Soap Operas and fertility: evidence from Brazil. American Economic Journal, 4(4), 1-31.
Olson, Z. et al. (2019). Can a conditional cash transfer reduce teen fertility? The case of Brazil´s Bolsa Família. Journal of Health Economics, 63, 128-144.
- TEJADA, C. et al. (2017). The sociodemographic, behavioral, reproductive, and health factors associated with fertility in Brazil. PLOS One, 2017.
10. Saúde
(*) ARROW, K. Uncertainty and the Welfare Economics of Medical Care. The American Economic Review, v. 53, n. 5, 1963.
(*) GROSSMAN, M. On the Concept of Health Capital and the Demand for Health. Journal of Political Economy, v. 80, n. 2, 223-55, 1972.
(*) TODARO, SMITH (2014). Ch. 8: Human capital: education and health in economic development.
(*) WEIL (2013). Cap. 6: Human capital.
- BEAKLEY, H. (2010). Malaria eradication in the Americas: a retrospective analysis of childhood exposure. American Economic Journal, 2(2), 1-45. (Brazil)
- SOARES, R. (2007). Health and the Evolution of Welfare across Brazilian Municipalities. Journal of Development Economics, 84(2), 590–608.
11. Status socioeconômico e saúde
CHETTY, R.; Stepner M, Abraham S, et al. (2016). The association between income and life expectancy in the United States, 2001-2014. JAMA, 315(16), 1750-1766
DEATON, A. (2016). On Death and Money History, Facts, and Explanations. JAMA, 315(16).
(*) DEATON, A. O Great Escape: health, wealth and the origins of inequality. Princeton, 2015. (A Grande Evasão: saúde, riqueza e as origens da desigualdade. Presença II, 2016).
(*) CUTLER, D., LLERAS-MUNEY. A. (2014). Education and Health. In Encyclopedia of Health Economics.
(*) CHATTERJI, P. (2014). Education and Health: Disentangling Causal Relationships from Associations. In Encyclopedia of Health Economics.
(*) VOGL, T. Education and Health in Developing Economies. In Encyclopedia of Health Economics.
(*) TODARO, SMITH (2014). Ch. 8: Human capital: education and health in economic development.
(*) WEIL (2013). Cap. 6: Human capital.
BARBOSA FILHO, F.; PESSÔA, S. Educação e crescimento: o que a evidência empírica e teórica mostra? Revista Economia, v.11, n. 2, 2010.
GLEWWE, P. (ed.) Education Policy in Developing Countries. University of Chicago Press, 2014.
GLEWWE, P.; KASSOUF, A. The Impact of the Bolsa Escola/Familia Conditional Cash Transfer Program on enrollment, drop out rates and grade promotion in Brazil. Journal of Development Economics, 97, 2012.
LUDWIG J, MILLER DL. Does Head Start improve children’s life chances? Evidence from a regression discontinuity design. Quarterly Journal of Economics. 2007;122(1):159–208.
HUISMAN M, KUNST AE, BOPP M, BORGAN JK, BORRELL C, COSTA G, et al. Educational inequalities in cause-specific mortality in middle-aged and older men and women in eight western European populations. Lancet. 2005;365(9458):493–500.
ECOB R, SMITH GD. Income and health: what is the nature of the relationship? Soc Sci Med. 1999;48(5): 693–705.
LINDAHL M. Estimating the effect of income on health using lottery prizes as exogenous sources of variation in income. J Hum Resour. 2005;40(1):144–68.
ALBOUY V, LEQUIEN L. Does compulsory education lower mortality? J Health Econ. 2009;28(1):155–68.
CLARK D, ROYER H. The effect of education on adult mortality and health: evidence from Britain. Am Econ Rev. 2013;103(6):2087–120.
FORTSON JG. The gradient in sub-Saharan Africa: socioeconomic status and HIV/AIDS. Demography. 2008;45(2):303–22.
LLERAS-MUNEY A. The relationship between education and adult mortality in the US. Review of Economic Studies. 2005;72(1):189–221.
SMITH JP. The impact of socioeconomic status on health over the life-course. J Hum Resour. 2007;42(4):739–64.
12. Desigualdades socioeconômicas em Saúde
(*) O’DONNELL, O., Van DOORRSLAER, E., WAGSTAFF, A.; LINDELOW, M. Analyzing health equity using household survey data. The World Bank, Washington DC, 2008.
(*) MACINKO, J.; LIMA-COSTA, M. F. Horizontal equity in health care utilization in Brazil, 1998-2008, International Journal for Equity in Health, 11(33), 1–8, 2012.
(*) ALMEIDA, G., SARTI, F. M. Measuring evolution of income-related inequalities in health and health care utilization in selected Latin American and Caribbean countries. Revista Panamericana de Salud Publica, 33(2), 83–89, 2013.
(*) DEATON, A. O Great Escape: health, wealth and the origins of inequality. Princeton, 2015. (A Grande Evasão: saúde, riqueza e as origens da desigualdade. Presença II, 2016).
13. Condições econômicas, mercado de trabalho e saúde
(*) RUHM C. 2000. Are Recessions Good For Your Health? Quarterly Journal of Economics, 115(2), 2000.
(*) CATALANO, R.; BELLOWS, B. Commentary: if economic expansion threatens public health, should epidemiologists recommend recession? International Journal of Epidemiology, 34(6), 2005.
RUHM, Christopher J. Recessions, healthy no more?. Journal of health economics, v. 42, p. 17-28, 2015.
(*) TEJADA, C.; JACINTO, P.; TRIACA, L.; PERELMAN, J. The counter-cyclical pattern of mortality in Brazil, 1992-2012. Working paper.
OGBURN W, THOMAS D. The influence of the business cycle on certain social conditions. JAMA. 1922;18(139):324–40.
XU X. The business cycle and health behaviors. Soc Sci Med. 2013;77:126–36.
BRENNER MH. Economic changes and heart disease mortality. Am J Public Health. 1971;61(3):606–11.
SUHRCKE M, STUCKLER D. Will the recession be bad for our health? It depends. Soc Sci Med. 2012;74(5):647–53.
GALAMA T, KAPTEYN A, FONSECA R, MICHAUD PC. A health production model with endogenous retirement. Health Econ. 2012;22(8):883–902.
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14. Estilos de vida
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15. Avaliação de políticas públicas
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(acho que não é bem avaliação, ne, eu coloquei so para completar o tópico original, mas verifica se entra aqui mesmo)
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