Portaria MEC n. 87 de 17/01/2008 D.O.U. em 18/01/2008, Seção 1, p. 30 .
Renovado pela Portaria MEC n. 609 de 14/03/2019. D.O.U. em 18/03/2019, Seção 1, p. 63.
The Graduate Program in Nursing (PPGEnf for its spelling in Portuguese) supports the dialogue between different professionals through research projects, developing proposals for interdisciplinary and complementary health research in a quantitative and qualitative framework.
Target audience: nursing degree holders or health care related fields.
Selection process: held anually according to specific admissions schedule
UFPel’s Graduate Program in Nursing manages the Nursing and Health Journal (JONAH) – a free and open journal released twice a year comprising one year of published work in two separate issues. Its objective is to help divulge scientific production in the Health Sciences with an emphasis on Nursing.
Area of Concentration
Lines of Research
Study plan
Number of credits required
(*) Conceitos de curso:
Location and contacts
- ,
Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul - +55 (53) 3921 1523
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