Program Name / Conceitos (*)
CAPES (2021)5
Level / Degree
Código UFPel
Código CAPES
Criação e Reconhecimento
Portaria 1048 de 10/09/2007
Portaria MEC n. 87 de 17/01/2008 D.O.U. em 18/01/2008, Seção 1, p. 30 .
Renovado pela Portaria MEC n. 609 de 14/03/2019. D.O.U. em 18/03/2019, Seção 1, p. 63.


The Graduate Program in Nursing (PPGEnf for its spelling in Portuguese) supports the dialogue between different professionals through research projects, developing proposals for interdisciplinary and complementary health research in a quantitative and qualitative framework.

Target audience: nursing degree holders or health care related fields.

Selection process: held anually according to specific admissions schedule

UFPel’s Graduate Program in Nursing manages the Nursing and Health Journal (JONAH) – a free and open journal released twice a year comprising one year of published work in two separate issues. Its objective is to help divulge scientific production in the Health Sciences with an emphasis on Nursing.

Area of Concentration

Social Practices in Nursing and Healthcare

Lines of Research

Mental and Collective Health, Work Processes, Management and Education in Health Care and Nursing

This line of research consists of studies on the work developed in health, nursing and education, as well as on the implementation and evaluation of the health services provided. It also encompasses wider issues of the health sector and their interfaces with specific themes such as mental health, collective health, work processes in nursing and health care, management and education. Investigation topics covered: studies on the evaluation of actions, programs, services in the public health policies and social practices; monitoring and evaluation of health services. It is sought to encourage studies and research on the practices concerning mental health, collective health, and work processes in health and education services, including their theoretical references so as to rescue the individual, their family and the community to which they belong.

Epidemiology, Health Care and Nursing Practices

This line of research investigates the educational and health practices underlying the complex aspects involving health care, taking into account its epidemiological, biological, socio-political and cultural aspects so as to reach a sustainable way of working, aiming at sustainability. It comprises studies on the organization, management and evaluation of health policies and programs. Additionally, it researches and develops actions to promote citizenship and health, fully and continuously, aiming to improve the life quality of individuals, families and communities. Finally, this line of research also covers epidemiological studies as well as health care and nursing practices in the family system, both in rural and urban frameworks.

Study plan

Mandatory Courses

Social practices in nursing and health care - 6 credits
Research in nursing and health care - 6 credits
Higher education teaching methods for nursing - 4 credits
Reseach seminar I - 2 credits
Research seminar II - 2 credits
Supervised teaching internship - 6 credits
Thesis workshop - 30 credits

Master’s and Doctorate Degrees – Complementary Courses

Family health – 4 credits
Health and nursing policies – 4 credits
Organization, management and evaluation of the work in nursing and health – 4 credits
Care practices, teaching and research in nursing and health – 4 credits
Seminars in nursing and health – knowledge and practices in mental health – 2 credits
Environmental and health education with emphasis on rural health – 4 credits
Advanced topics in nursing – 2 credits
Care practices in nursing and health with emphasis on bioethics – 4 credits

Master’s and Doctorate Degrees – Electve Courses and Credits

Higher education teaching methods for nursing – 4 credits
Systematized literature review – 2 credits
Qualitative health research – 4 credits
Epidemiology and statistics applied to nursing and health – 5 credits
Seminars in nursing and health: anthropology, health and nursing – 2 credits
Seminars in nursing and health: writing scientific papers – 2 credits
Care practices in nursing and health  – 2 credits


Mental and Collective Health, Work Processes, Management and Education in Health Care and Nursing

Permanent faculty: Luciane Prado Kantorski, Valéria Cristina Christello Coimbra, Roxana Isabel Cardozo Gonzales, Vanda Maria da Rosa Jardim, Michele Mandagará de Oliveira, Álvaro Luiz Moreira Hypólito, Maira Buss Thofehrn e Simone Coelho Amestoy.

Epidemiology, Health Care and Nursing Practices

Permanent faculty: Maria Heck, Rosa Lía Barbieri, Eda Schwartz, Sonia Maria Könzgen Meincke, Rosani Manfrin Muniz, Marilu Correa Soares, Celmira Lange, Luiz Augusto Facchini, Elaine Thumé e Viviane Marten Milbrath.

Number of credits required

Students earn a master’s degree upon completing 60 credits: 30 in theoretical courses and 30 in the thesis workshop.

Location and contacts

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