Nome do Projeto
Measuring women’s empowerment and its impact on child development in the african countries
Data inicial - Data final
04/11/2016 - 28/02/2019
Unidade de Origem
Coordenador Atual
Área CNPq
Ciências da Saúde - Saúde Coletiva
Gender indicators are key to uphold governments and policy makers committed to gender equity and sustainable development, because everything that is measurable is more likely to be prioritized (DEMETRIADES, 2007). However, a cross-cultural standard indicator has not yet been proposed. Having a specific SDG on this topic reinforces its importance and the need to have a standard indicator to track the countries’ achievements in this field (HORTON, 2015). Also, to our knowledge, the relation of women’s empowerment and child development have never been directly assessed, and this possibility for LMICs only came up recently with the inclusion of these information in national household surveys. Our main objective is to develop an indicator of women’s empowerment based on DHS data that allows further research on this topic in the context of LMICs, taking advantage of a large amount of readily available data. We aim for an indicator that will allow us to compare countries and monitor their evolution over time regarding WE, what is extremely important to hold countries accountable for their commitment to the fifth SDG. Besides, considering the effect that WE has on diverse health and development outcomes (DUFLO, 2012 ; TULADHAR et al., 2013), we aim to analyze the impact of WE on early child development in the context of the African countries.

Objetivo Geral

General objective

Develop a survey-based women’s empowerment index comparable across countries and time and, describe how countries compare in regards to it, and analyze the impact of WE on their children’s early development in the context of the African countries.

Specific objectives

1. Based on the most accepted concepts of WE and available information in national health surveys, develop a WE indicator using the DHS series of surveys, evaluating the differences between and within the African countries. a. Evaluate the indicator external validity of the indicator by assessing its correlation with the Gender Development Index, a recognized measure of gender inequality developed by the UNDP;
b. Evaluate the indicator internal (convergent) validity thru the assessment of its association with use of modern contraception, institutional delivery and under-five child stunting;
c. Compare countries at national level in terms of the WE indicator domains;
d. Assess within-country inequalities in WE across wealth quintiles, geographic regions and area of residence (urban/rural)

2. Study the association between the proposed WE indicator and child development in the African countries. a. Explore the original ECDI operationalization proposed by UNICEF (UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN’S FUND (UNICEF), 2014) and alternatives using either principal components analysis or structural equation model-based factor analysis
b. Assess the magnitude of impact and its variation across countries
c. Understand which dimension of WE, if any, is more strongly associated with CD

Equipe do Projeto

NomeCH SemanalData inicialData final
FERNANDA EWERLING804/11/201628/02/2019

Fontes Financiadoras

Sigla / NomeValorAdministrador
Fundação Bill & Melinda GatesR$ 124.000,00

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