Nome do Projeto
Worldwide research, surveillance and policy on physical activity: the global observatory for physical activity – GoPA!
Data inicial - Data final
01/03/2018 - 28/02/2019
Unidade de Origem
Coordenador Atual
Área CNPq
Ciências da Saúde - Saúde Coletiva
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Background Despite the importance of physical inactivity as one of the four main risk factors for NCDs, there was no observatory dedicated exclusively to monitor physical activity worldwide. The need for country level data collection, high quality locally applicable research and monitoring to inform policy and planning of interventions at the population level was evident. In 2012, the Global Observatory for Physical Activity – GoPA! was launched in response to this urgent call for action becoming a worldwide response to a worldwide problem. Although described as urgent in the call to action set by the Lancet Physical Activity Series 1, there is no record of any summarizing document that includes national indicators of physical activity health outcomes, surveillance, policy and research, developed with a standardized methodology and accessible to a diverse public. Neither, a comparison of these indicators at the country and regional levels was ever conducted. In addition, even though research in the area of physical activity and health has increased dramatically in the last years, to date, beyond opinion leaders, little is known about the real structure of the network that led to information dissemination and consequently field development, meaning that the map of the evolution of research in the physical activity and public field is unknown. Methods Using a standardized methodology, physical activity health outcomes, surveillance, policy and research indicators will be collected and summarized in an accessible and allinclusive public physical activity country profile called the “Country Cards”. Two sets will be part of this thesis: 1) the first set with 2013 data, and 2) the second set with 2015 data. Besides providing a thorough description of the data collection methods, a process evaluation, statistical data analyses, and the creation of a comprehensive physical activity ranking will be conducted allowing countries to track and evaluate their progress in terms of health burden, physical activity prevalence, surveillance, policy and research over time. In addition, a historical reconstruction of the development of the physical activity and health research field, using formal citation network analysis methods that will identify the most influential pieces over time, will be conducted.

Objetivo Geral

Main objective

To assess physical activity health outcomes, surveillance, policy and research
worldwide, using the data collected by the Global Observatory for Physical
Activity – GoPA!

Specific objectives

Describe the historical development of the physical activity and health
research field.
Describe the first set of physical activity Country Cards, including
information on health outcomes, surveillance, policy, prevalence, research
results and ranking of countries.
Estimate the association between the first set of physical activity Country
Cards indicators of surveillance, policy, prevalence and research.
Conduct a process evaluation about the first set of physical activity
Country Cards, to be used to inform the second set of Country Cards, including
information on health outcomes, surveillance, policy, prevalence, research
results and a new comprehensive ranking of countries.
Create a comprehensive ranking that includes information on health
outcomes, surveillance, policy, prevalence, research, to be used in the second
set of Country Cards to rank countries according to overall state in national
physical activity.
Describe the second set of physical activity Country Cards, including
information on health outcomes, surveillance, policy, prevalence, research
results and ranking of countries.
Estimate the association between the second set of physical activity
Country Cards indicators of surveillance, policy, prevalence and research and
compare results with the first set of Country Cards.
Compare the first and second set of Country Cards health outcomes,
surveillance, policy, prevalence and research indicators and provide trends.
Describe a conceptual framework of physical activity advocacy at the
country level and advocacy stages according to country profiles.

Equipe do Projeto

NomeCH SemanalData inicialData final
ANDREA RAMIREZ VARELA809/09/201628/02/2018

Fontes Financiadoras

Sigla / NomeValorAdministrador
Wellcome Trust FoundationR$ 7.000.000,00

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